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Queries the genealogy of a single or set of mathematicians by their ID in the Mathematics Genealogy Project.


get_genealogy(id, ancestors = TRUE, descendants = TRUE)



integer vector of IDs of mathematicians for whom the genealogy should be retrieved


logical indicating whether to include the genealogy backward to include all ancestors, defaults to TRUE. This can be a single logical(1) which then applies to all mathematicians referenced in the id argument, or it can be a vector of the same length as id providing different selection for each individual.


logical indicating whether to include the genealogy forward to include all descendants, defaults to TRUE. This can be a single logical(1) which then applies to all mathematicians referenced in the id argument, or it can be a vector of the same length as id providing different selection for each individual.


A list object of class genealogy. Each element of the list represents a mathematician in the genealogical tree. The name of the element is the mathematician's ID in the Mathematics Genealogy Project. Each element of the object is list with containing:


integer(1) with Mathematician's ID;


character(1) containing the full name of the mathematician;


character(1) containing the institution at which PhD was obtained;


integer(1) with the year their PhD was completed;


integer vector of IDs of any mathematicians who were supervised by this individual for their PhD;


integer vector of IDs of any mathematicians who were supervisors of this individual for their PhD.

In addition, there is an attribute named start_nodes which contains an integer vector of IDs indicating the origin nodes used in the genealogical tree search that produced this object. In other words, the id argument as passed to this function.


Alber, D. (2024). “'geneagrapher-core' package”,

Jackson, A. (2007). “A Labor of Love: The Mathematics Genealogy Project”, Notices of the AMS, 54(8), 1002-1003.

Mulcahy, C. (2017). “The Mathematics Genealogy Project Comes of Age at Twenty-one”, Notices of the AMS, 64(5), 466-470.


# First, you need to use search_id() to find the mathematician ID for the
# individual(s) you wish to plot, or visit to look
# up in the browser. Once you have these IDs the get_genealogy() function will
# retrieve the genealogical tree.

# For example, to find the package author would search for themselves using
search_id("Aslett", "Louis")
#>       id          name              university year
#> 1 171971 Aslett, Louis Trinity College, Dublin 2012

# Then, use the id to retrieve the genealogy
g <- get_genealogy(171971)
#> ⠙ Connecting to geneagrapher-core WebSocket server
#>  Connecting to geneagrapher-core WebSocket server [170ms]
#>  Sending query
#>  Sending query [6ms]
#>  🎓 Fetching PhD data ...
#>  🎓 Full genealogy retrieved [218ms]

# With that genealogy, you can then plot using plot_grviz() or other plotting
# functions.