Map mathematical disciplines to IDs for use in searching for mathematicians.
Data frame, with columns:
the discipline ID, as required by
when searching for a mathematician within a specific mathematical discipline;discipline
the name of the discipline classification, per the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
# Lookup the ID of any discipline involving the partial word "stat"
#> id discipline
#> 45 62 Statistics
#> 54 82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
# Use a regular expression to only exactly match the whole word Statistics and nothing else
#> id discipline
#> 45 62 Statistics
# Use the above to search only for statisticians with the first name Louis
search_id(given = "Louis", discipline = disciplines("^statistics$")$id)
#> id name university year
#> 1 171971 Aslett, Louis Trinity College, Dublin 2012
#> 2 297113 Berry, Louis Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III 2022
#> 3 92213 Buot, Max Louis University of Virginia 2003
#> 4 316613 Cammarata, Louis Vincent Harvard University 2024
#> 5 289122 Coatrieux, Jean-Louis Université de Rennes 1 1973
#> 6 14711 Cote, Louis Columbia University 1954
#> 7 168108 Doray, Louis University of Waterloo 1992
#> 8 291284 Ellam, Louis Imperial College London 2019
#> 9 83157 Gordon, Louis Stanford University 1972
#> 10 207143 Hale, Sarah Louise North Carolina State University 2016
#> 11 229496 Harper, Louise Lancaster University 1997
#> 12 89308 Jensen, Louis Iowa State University 1971
#> 13 281169 Jensen, Louis Aarhus University 2021
#> 14 192420 Kelly, Louise University of Strathclyde 1996
#> 15 86857 Mariano, Louis Carnegie Mellon University 2002
#> 16 225334 Mittel, Louis Columbia University 2017
#> 17 144847 Radaoroson, Louis Université du Québec à Montréal 1996
#> 18 298559 Raynal, Louis Université de Montpellier 2019
#> 19 60083 Soler, Jean-Louis Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble I 1970
#> 20 165681 Thurstone, Louis Leon The University of Chicago 1917
#> 21 34388 Yengoyan, Marie-Louise University of California, Berkeley 1970